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So, with the Kickstarter not fully backed, now what?

Hey SusBa, thanks for the interest. I'm pursuing other stuff right now but I haven't forgotten the game. I'd like to sort out a final version as per my last kickstarter update, but I dunno when I'll be able to do that. Life changes pretty fast sometimes.

How ya doin? If I may ask, did you just find out about the game? To be honest I haven't checked back here in a while, it's nice to see new comments pop up every now and again. 

Yeah, I just found it. I've been searching through for Boardgames and stuff of the like, and I came across this through a tag (I think it was "liminal"?). I've been planning on integrating this into a multi-system adventure (.dungeon > Under The Neighborhood / part of SUPERKALLEIDER) but I don't really like the character sheet for this. It isn't really.. a character sheet that you can use as normal. I'd prefer it if it was more linear, I guess is the term. (Base Rules in the corner of a box, where you're supposed to write the ones you want from the rules. Idk if my explanation makes sense though.)


Dear geevs,
thank you for making Superkalleider! I stumbled across it today by accident and after burning through it, while listening to some old Beef Terminal albums, I have to say that I'm more than intrigued. This. is. the good Stuff!

I will hearby name this game as the first example of new wave gutter-crunch and declare you the alpha-rat of the gutter-crunch movement!

But fancy-funny words aside, Superkalleider really is a fascinating piece of creative work. This whole ... randomly points around the room ... general hobby space of playing make-belief we are all operating in here lends itself to a ton of different ways to play. And it seems as if you have found a very personal way to express your ideas through it. I think this is worth a lot.

Therefore I urge you, to keep working on those ideas, no matter how your kickstarter campaign might work out. You're on to something big, Alpha-rat!

To close it with kind of a quote from Superkalleider:

I'm ten years old again

Dear Omnebulen,

You really made my day with this post - seriously, it means more to me than you know. I'm proud to be the new wave gutter-crunch alpha-rat.

I have plans to do a smaller, still definitive edition of the game if the Kickstarter fails. SK will return someday...

And this Beef Terminal stuff slaps.


Dear Griffin!
I'm sad to hear that the KS campaign didn't work out as planned. Superkalleider surely would have deserved it to be born in glorious paper-flesh, if you ask me. But hey, nobody knows what time will bring and I'm sure that there are still unknown wonders out in heistspace that you can throw at us. So as I said above, keep it going, Alpha-rat!

And it was very kind of you to thank me on your kickstarter page. But in fact I'm the one who have to thank you! After reading Superkalleider and having posted about it here, I was so motivated that I finally got my unemployed ass up and started to work on a blog-project I had postponed for nearly a year. 

Thanks for the spark, Griffin! If anything, you've managed to kick an old spider out of it's personal shitland and right into heistspace. And for that I will be eternally grateful.

Best wishes,


Dear Omnebulen,

In the distant future I hope people will be able to turn SuperKalleider into very vibrant confetti or fold it into an extremely large paper airplane. Today is not that day.

SuperKalleider is a lot like Santa's sleigh. It only flies because of all the Christmas spirit it collects through a big spirit engine attached to the back. And they're both inanimate objects. What I'm trying to say is that I appreciate the support, and that people believing in the project is exactly what it takes for me to move forward with it.

I'm stoked to hear you're pursuing your blog. I will contribute some of my own Christmas spirit to you instead of to Santa this year. Hopefully he doesn't crash like my Kickstarter did. Ha!

Thank you.

-Alpha rat

Well this all sounds delightfully nuts. Backed you on Kickstarter, hope your campaign gets a lot more traction!


Thank you so much!